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Cooking lesson for lunch and a short tour of the morning market  in Takayama.

9:00 - 13:00

Fee : 10,000 yen / participant

Now we only organize lessons on weekdays.

*We are closed on Sunday.

*Three days advanced reservation is required.
*This lesson will be carried out with more than 2 persons of reservation.
*Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

*We don't accept credit cards


Please note:
Students are solely responsible for any healthy issues that may arise from preparation and consumption of dished made according to recipes used in these classes.

I will reply to your email as soon as possible.

メモ: * は入力必須項目です

Cancellation Policy

1) 3 days (72hours) or more before the lesson  no charge
2) 24 ~ 72 hours before   50%
3) 24 hours before or less  100%